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Int 21 Fn 52  U - DOS 2+ Internal - "sysvars" - Get List Of Lists  (Cont.)

-24h   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine to lock region of file
       call with BX = file handle
             ---DOS 3.x---
             CX:DX = starting offset
             SI:AX = size
             ---DOS 4+---
             DS:DX -> lock range
                   DWORD start offset
                   DWORD size in bytes

       Return: CF set on error
               AL = DOS error code (21h) (see AH=59h)

       Note: not called if file is marked as remote
-20h   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine to unlock region of file
       call with BX = file handle
             ---DOS 3.x---
             CX:DX = starting offset
             SI:AX = size
             ---DOS 4+---
             DS:DX -> lock range
                   DWORD start offset
                   DWORD size in bytes

       Return: CF set on error
               AL = DOS error code (21h) (see AH=59h)

       Note: not called if file is marked as remote
-1Ch   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine to check if file region is locked
       call with ES:DI -> system file table entry for file
           CX = length of region from current position in file

       Return: CF set if any portion of region locked
               AX = 0021h
-18h   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine to get open file list entry
       (called by AX=5D05h)
       call with DS:SI -> DOS parameter list (see AX=5D00h)
           DPL's BX = index of sharing record
           DPL's CX = index of SFT in SFT chain of sharing rec

       Return: CF set on error or not loaded
               AX = DOS error code (12h) (see AH=59h)
           CF clear if successful
               ES:DI -> filename
               CX = number of locks owned by specified SFT
               BX = network machine number
               DX destroyed
-14h   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine for updating FCB from SFT???
       call with DS:SI -> unopened FCB
             ES:DI -> system file table entry

       Return: BL = C0h???

       Note: copies following fields from SFT to FCB:
          starting cluster of file   0Bh    1Ah
          sharing record offset      33h    1Ch
          file attribute         04h    1Eh
-10h   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine to get first cluster of FCB file ???
       call with ES:DI -> system file table entry
             DS:SI -> FCB

       Return: CF set if SFT closed or sharing record offsets
           CF clear if successful
               BX = starting cluster number from FCB
-0Ch   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine to close file if duplicate for process
       DS:SI -> system file table

       Return: AX = number of handle in JFT which already uses SFT

       Note: called during open/create of a file

       Note: if SFT was opened with inheritance enabled and sharing
           mode 111, does something to all other SFTs owned by
           same process which have the same file open mode and
           sharing record
-08h   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine for closing file

       Note: closes various handles referring to file most-recently
-04h   DWORD   pointer to FAR routine to update directory info in related SFT
       call with ES:DI -> system file table entry for file (see below)
             AX = subfunction (apply to each related SFT)
               00h: update time stamp (offset 0Dh) and date
                    stamp (offset 0Fh)
               01h: update file size (offset 11h) and starting
                    cluster (offset 0Bh).  Sets last-accessed
                    cluster fields to start of file if file
                    never accessed
               02h: as function 01h, but last-accessed fields
                    always changed
               03h: do both functions 00h and 02h

       Note: follows ptr at offset 2Bh in system file table entries

       Note: NOP if opened with no-inherit or via FCB

Notes: most of the above hooks (except -04h, -14h, -18h, and -3Ch) assume
     either that SS=DOS DS or SS=DS=DOS DS and directly access
     DOS-internal data
   sharing hooks are not supported by DR-DOS 5-6; will reportedly be
     supported by Novell DOS 7

Format of sharing record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    flag
       00h free block
       01h allocated block
       FFh end marker
 01h   WORD    size of block
 03h   BYTE    checksum of pathname (including NUL)
       if sum of ASCII values is N, checksum is (N/256 + N%256)
 04h   WORD    offset in SHARE's DS of first Record Lock Record (see below)
 06h   DWORD   pointer to start of system file table chain for file
 0Ah   WORD    unique sequence number
 0Ch   var ASCIZ full pathname

Note:  not supported by DR-DOS SHARE 1.1 and 2.0; will reportedly be
     supported by Novell DOS 7

Format of Record Lock Record (SHARE.EXE):
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    offset in SHARE's DS of next lock table in list or 0000h
 02h   DWORD   offset in file of start of locked region
 06h   DWORD   offset in file of end of locked region
 0Ah   DWORD   pointer to System File Table entry for this file
 0Eh   WORD    PSP segment of lock's owner
---DOS 5+ ---
 10h   WORD    lock type: (00h lock all, 01h lock writes only)

Format of DOS 2.x system file tables:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to next file table (offset FFFFh if last)
 04h   WORD    number of files in this table
 06h  28h bytes per file
   Offset  Size    Description
    00h    BYTE    number of file handles referring to this file
    01h    BYTE    file open mode (see AH=3Dh)
    02h    BYTE    file attribute
    03h    BYTE    drive (0 = character device, 1 = A, 2 = B, etc)
    04h 11 BYTEs   filename in FCB format (no path,no period,blank-padded)
    0Fh    WORD    ???
    11h    WORD    ???
    13h    DWORD   file size???
    17h    WORD    file date in packed format (see AX=5700h)
    19h    WORD    file time in packed format (see AX=5700h)
    1Bh    BYTE    device attribute (see AX=4400h)
   ---character device---
    1Ch    DWORD   pointer to device driver
   ---block device---
    1Ch    WORD    starting cluster of file
    1Eh    WORD    relative cluster in file of last cluster accessed
    20h    WORD    absolute cluster number of current cluster
    22h    WORD    ???
    24h    DWORD   current file position???

Format of DOS 3.0 system file tables and FCB tables:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to next file table (offset FFFFh if last)
 04h   WORD    number of files in this table
 06h  38h bytes per file
   Offset  Size    Description
    00h-1Eh as for DOS 3.1+ (see below)
    1Fh    WORD    byte offset of directory entry within sector
    21h 11 BYTEs   filename in FCB format (no path/period, blank-padded)
    2Ch    DWORD   (SHARE.EXE) pointer to previous SFT sharing same file
    30h    WORD    (SHARE.EXE) network machine number which opened file
           (Windows Enhanced mode DOSMGR uses the virtual machine
           ID as the machine number; see INT 2F/AX=1683h)
    32h    WORD    PSP segment of file's owner (first three entries for
           AUX/CON/PRN contain segment of IO.SYS startup code)
    34h    WORD    (SHARE.EXE) offset in SHARE code seg of share record
    36h    WORD    ??? apparently always 0000h

Format of DOS 3.1-3.3x, DR-DOS 5.0-6.0 system file tables and FCB tables:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to next file table (offset FFFFh if last)
 04h   WORD    number of files in this table
 06h  35h bytes per file
   Offset  Size    Description
    00h    WORD    number of file handles referring to this file
    02h    WORD    file open mode (see AH=3Dh)
           bit 15 set if this file opened via FCB
    04h    BYTE    file attribute (see AX=4301h)
    05h    WORD    device info word (see AX=4400h)
           bit 15 set if remote file
           bit 14 set means do not set file date/time on closing
           bit 12 set means don't inherit on EXEC
           bits 5-0 drive number for disk files
    07h    DWORD   pointer to device driver header if character device
           else pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block (see AH=32h)
    0Bh    WORD    starting cluster of file
    0Dh    WORD    file time in packed format (see AX=5700h)
           not used for character devices in DR-DOS
    0Fh    WORD    file date in packed format (see AX=5700h)
           not used for character devices in DR-DOS
    11h    DWORD   file size
   ---system file table---
    15h    DWORD   current offset in file (may be larger than size of
           file; INT 21/AH=42h does not check new position)
   ---FCB table---
    15h    WORD    counter for last I/O to FCB
    17h    WORD    counter for last open of FCB
           (these are separate to determine the times of the
           latest I/O and open)
    19h    WORD    relative cluster within file of last cluster accessed
    1Bh    WORD    absolute cluster number of last cluster accessed
           0000h if file never read or written???
    1Dh    WORD    number of sector containing directory entry
    1Fh    BYTE    number of dir entry within sector (byte offset/32)
    20h 11 BYTEs   filename in FCB format (no path/period, blank-padded)
    2Bh    DWORD   (SHARE.EXE) pointer to previous SFT sharing same file
    2Fh    WORD    (SHARE.EXE) network machine number which opened file
           (Windows Enhanced mode DOSMGR uses the virtual machine
           ID as the machine number; see INT 2F/AX=1683h)
    31h    WORD    PSP segment of file's owner (see AH=26h) (first three
           entries for AUX/CON/PRN contain segment of IO.SYS
           startup code)
    33h    WORD    offset within SHARE.EXE code segment of
           sharing record (see above)  0000h = none

Format of DOS 4.0-6.0 system file tables and FCB tables:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to next file table (offset FFFFh if last)
 04h   WORD    number of files in this table
 06h  3Bh bytes per file
   Offset  Size    Description
    00h    WORD    number of file handles referring to this file
           FFFFh if in use but not referenced
    02h    WORD    file open mode (see AH=3Dh)
           bit 15 set if this file opened via FCB
    04h    BYTE    file attribute (see AX=4301h)
    05h    WORD    device info word (see also AX=4400h)
           bit 15 set if remote file
           bit 14 set means do not set file date/time on closing
           bit 13 set if named pipe
           bit 12 set if no inherit
           bit 11 set if network spooler
           bit 7  set if device, clear if file (only if local)
           bits 6-0 as for AX=4400h
    07h    DWORD   pointer to device driver header if character device
           else pointer to DOS Drive Parameter Block (see AH=32h)
           or REDIR data
    0Bh    WORD    starting cluster of file (local files only)
    0Dh    WORD    file time in packed format (see AX=5700h)
    0Fh    WORD    file date in packed format (see AX=5700h)
    11h    DWORD   file size
    15h    DWORD   current offset in file (SFT)
           LRU counters (FCB table, two WORDs)
   ---local file---
    19h    WORD    relative cluster within file of last cluster accessed
    1Bh    DWORD   number of sector containing directory entry
    1Fh    BYTE    number of dir entry within sector (byte offset/32)
   ---network redirector---
    19h    DWORD   pointer to REDIRIFS record
    1Dh  3 BYTEs   ???
    20h 11 BYTEs   filename in FCB format (no path/period, blank-padded)
    2Bh    DWORD   (SHARE.EXE) pointer to previous SFT sharing same file
    2Fh    WORD    (SHARE.EXE) network machine number which opened file
           (Windows Enhanced mode DOSMGR uses the virtual machine
           ID as the machine number; see INT 2F/AX=1683h)

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